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Fusilier Museum at Easter

A great range of things to see and do including chances to win prizes

This Easter at the Fusilier Museum Warwick there is plenty to see and do.

  • Marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, we are being visited by the Royal Warwickshire Regiment Living History Group on Saturday 23rd March where there will be the chance to learn about and try on the kit worn by soldiers in the greatest military operation of its kind in history.

  • There is also the chance to visit the museum's exhibition of embroidery which has featured on BBC news and radio. With works made by soldiers from Victorian times through until the Second World War, visitors have described this display as 'enthralling and moving' and 'exceptional.'

  • In addition to popular family activities such as dressing-up, and the sounds and smells of a World War One trench, there is our treasure hunt where chocolate eggs can be won and the Hannah Snell drawing competition with a chance to win bigger prizes!

  • Continuing our series of events to mark the 350th anniversary this year of the creation of the Warwickshire Regiment, on Saturday 30th March there will be a fascinating talk on the Birkenhead sinking in 1852. Sixty years before Titantic, this is the first time in recorded history that it was ordered for women and children to go first on the lifeboats while brave soldiers stood to attention on deck. Find out more with a chance to see actual objects, by booking through the 'What's On' page.