Tue-Fri 10am - 4pm / Saturday 10am - 4pm

Admission & Opening Times

Museum Hours

Tue-Fri 10am - 4pm / Saturday 10am - 4pm

Last admission one hour before close

Admission Fee.

The Fusilier Museum Warwick does not receive any direct funding from the government and is dependent on admission charges and donations to support its costs.

You can make payment either by cash or card on arrival at the museum. Admission fees are as follows:

  • Adult
    £ 5.00
  • Concessions (Serving military, Veterans, 65+, Students)
    £ 4.00
  • Carers
    £ Free
  • Children (under 16 years old)
    £ Free

The admission fee entitles you to an annual pass so you can visit as many times as you want within the twelve-month period following the purchase of your ticket. This offer excludes any special charging events.

Gift Aid 

If you are a UK Taxpayer please Gift Aid the Annual Ticket Pass, as the Government will make a financial contribution back to the museum for each ticket purchased. There is no additional cost to you.

Opening Times.

If you are travelling a long way, it is advisable to contact the museum first to check open timings. It is also recommended to book an appointment for any research enquiries. Please contact us on: enquiries@fusiliermuseumwarwick.com or 01926 258288.

Winter Season (November to March):
Tuesday to Saturday
10.00am to 4.00pm

Summer Season (April to October):
Tuesday to Saturday
10.00am to 5.00pm

Bank Holiday Mondays
10.00am to 4.00pm